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Let's Make Wealth Fair

4.4 ( 304 ratings )
الشؤون المالية التعليم
9.99 USD

Overtime, your financial habits will have an outsized impact on your future. Therefore, changing your financial habits will be a central focus of this program to help you build long lasting financial wealth.

Here are the steps you’ll follow throughout the course to build long-lasting financial wealth

1. Perform a Gap Analysis to determine what you want in your future, take inventory of where youre at now, and then figure out ways to close the gap. Going through this process will give you a North Star to aim for and help yourself keep yourself accountable and motivated
2. Identify your recurring expenses and automate your payments so you can free your mind to focus on the more important things like investing, savings, and enjoying your life
3. Build an emergency fund to cover your recurring expenses for 6-months to give you a sense of safety and security with your finances
4. Start investing and put your investments on autopilot so you can build wealth while you sleep
5. Identify and save for the big milestones in your life. Things like buying a house, a car, tuition, paying off debt, a fancy engagement ring, a wedding, etc.
6. Give yourself the freedom to spend money in ways that make you happy while also building a solid financial future

As mentioned above, the most important thing for you to get out of this program is to build your financial habits. Doing so will help you achieve the objectives above.

What this program is not: This program isn’t intended to just throw a bunch of information about finance at you. Stephen Covey, the author of “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” makes a great point about learning: “To learn and not to do is really not to learn. To know and not to do is really not to know.” What good is knowledge without application? If you’re looking to learn finance for learning’s sake - then I urge you to look elsewhere than this course. There are some great free online resources that will tell you all about finance including betas, systemic risk, leverage, yield, future value, present value, etc. This course will only cover these topics to the extent that it helps you take meaningful action to change your financial habits. For all the other stuff, just Google it, and you’ll have a nearly endless supply of resources.

So, let’s get started! Download the Lets Make Wealth Fair app to begin your financial wealth-building journey.